Saturday, 15 September 2012

Expressions Of: Anger, Fear And Sadness In Modern Times

    Negative Emotions are now days usually expressed in a similar way to each other, and usually have negative outcomes to these emotions. They are expressed in such ways to let their emotions escape and almost enter into other people who have caused them. In modern day times, people have more subtle ways of expressing these negative emotions, and language is a much bigger part of their expressions.
    Anger: Anger is now expressed majorly with words and elaborate hand gestures, as appose to physical contact as it used to be expressed with. People in modern times prefer to use to words and sentences to express anger as language is greatly developed and it is a much easier way to show feelings, rather than using physical gestures and only getting a vague idea. People express anger by using harsh, and almost rude words sometimes, so that people around them may build up a similar emotion, or understand that they have caused a negative emotion in someone, and may look to revert it. 
    Fear: Even in modern day times its hard to say exactly how people express fear, but now more than ever in the past communication is a large part of expression of fear, as it helps to understand the problem and sort it out, which makes the emotion less, hence the expression of the emotion less. Fear is now days normally caused by something that is new and unfamiliar to someone, or something that has many risks attached to it, and just like the past, avoiding the root of this emotion is the most common thing to do. Now days fear is an emotion that is felt much less compared to people in the past, due to education and experience, resulting in more subdued expressions of it.
    Sadness: The expression of the emotion of sadness, has probably changed the least over the years, as the events or occurrences that cause this emotion are very similar in the past as they are today, and so naturally, the expression of it is very similar, although again it is very much more reliant on verbal communication, rather than actions, and tears. Sadness, unlike fear, is probably a feeling that is more common in modern day humans, than people alive in the past, as many things have grown to sadden people, which didn't in the past, and so the emotional expressions are more common, yet still subdued. Even though many people will argue that now days people are less sad due to busy schedules, sadness is still expressed in slightly the same manor, but either way you think of it, sadness is expressed much less.
    Expressions of the negative emotions are much more reliant on verbal or any form of communication than they ever were before. This is positive in some ways, but can also be negative at times. 

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