Saturday, 22 September 2012

Expression Of: Love, Happiness and Joy

When you express love, you are automatically expressing joy and happiness within yourself as well. It is not a state of mind, it is an emotion. They are all expressed similarly and are expressed due to the same type of causes most of the time, as they interlink very much with each other.
The expressions of these positive emotions are an almost mysterious phenomenon says many psychologists that study it. All these emotions are expressed due to having a good job, or going to a good school, meeting up with friends or peers and doing fun things, and just taking time to savor a day and enjoy it. These “activities” as such do not make someone happy. The emotions are cultivated because you are expressing love and joy while doing them.

In a way that is hard to understand, happiness in general is also sometimes created by expressing emotions, sometimes even the negative ones. Emotions are a response to material things and mostly, to people. Phrases that people say to each other have a large impact on emotions as well, and also help to make assumptions about the positive emotions others are feeling as well.

Another hard aspect of the positive emotions are that we actually create them all ourselves. We cannot see emotions, and so cannot make them any other way other than in our own minds. We can perceive if other people are happy or not quite easily, but over 95% of what we feel is our own creation. By creating a mentality of joy, love or happiness within us, we can then use that to base our other positive emotions on, as normally when someone is expressing love, they are happy as well as joyous most of the time.

A good example to show why we express these positive emotions is listening to music. When listening to a song, it’s not the actual song that makes us happy, but rather out love for it. Same goes for a job. If someone like their job, it’s not the actual job that creates the emotion of love, but the actual love of what they are doing. The one underlying act that determines happiness is the expression of love coming out and being expressed.  

The human mind has evolved and built a program between outside trigger and emotions that we express. Something good to us happens, we express happiness, as the opposite happens with the negative emotions. The triggers depend on what emotions a certain person expresses to a certain emotion, and are usually very unique. These emotions will always be dependent on external factors as long as in your mind you understand what brings you love, joy and happiness.
These positive emotions are all triggered by positive actions, and are expressed in a positive way. 

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