Saturday 22 September 2012

Bits And Pieces To Help You Understand, :)

1.This video, courtesy of explains why emotional development is so important, and what happens if it is not fully expressed.

 2. On the site you can  download and audio- book by Joseph Bendoski, who talks in detail about how different emotions are expressed, and why. 

3.  This is a video, by Paul Blackburn, as he describes the basics of emotions and their expressions. Links to the individual links to the videos are:

4. Three Maps of the World, showing the happiest regions.

Expression Of: Love, Happiness and Joy

When you express love, you are automatically expressing joy and happiness within yourself as well. It is not a state of mind, it is an emotion. They are all expressed similarly and are expressed due to the same type of causes most of the time, as they interlink very much with each other.
The expressions of these positive emotions are an almost mysterious phenomenon says many psychologists that study it. All these emotions are expressed due to having a good job, or going to a good school, meeting up with friends or peers and doing fun things, and just taking time to savor a day and enjoy it. These “activities” as such do not make someone happy. The emotions are cultivated because you are expressing love and joy while doing them.

In a way that is hard to understand, happiness in general is also sometimes created by expressing emotions, sometimes even the negative ones. Emotions are a response to material things and mostly, to people. Phrases that people say to each other have a large impact on emotions as well, and also help to make assumptions about the positive emotions others are feeling as well.

Another hard aspect of the positive emotions are that we actually create them all ourselves. We cannot see emotions, and so cannot make them any other way other than in our own minds. We can perceive if other people are happy or not quite easily, but over 95% of what we feel is our own creation. By creating a mentality of joy, love or happiness within us, we can then use that to base our other positive emotions on, as normally when someone is expressing love, they are happy as well as joyous most of the time.

A good example to show why we express these positive emotions is listening to music. When listening to a song, it’s not the actual song that makes us happy, but rather out love for it. Same goes for a job. If someone like their job, it’s not the actual job that creates the emotion of love, but the actual love of what they are doing. The one underlying act that determines happiness is the expression of love coming out and being expressed.  

The human mind has evolved and built a program between outside trigger and emotions that we express. Something good to us happens, we express happiness, as the opposite happens with the negative emotions. The triggers depend on what emotions a certain person expresses to a certain emotion, and are usually very unique. These emotions will always be dependent on external factors as long as in your mind you understand what brings you love, joy and happiness.
These positive emotions are all triggered by positive actions, and are expressed in a positive way. 

Saturday 15 September 2012

Expressions Of: Anger, Fear And Sadness In Modern Times

    Negative Emotions are now days usually expressed in a similar way to each other, and usually have negative outcomes to these emotions. They are expressed in such ways to let their emotions escape and almost enter into other people who have caused them. In modern day times, people have more subtle ways of expressing these negative emotions, and language is a much bigger part of their expressions.
    Anger: Anger is now expressed majorly with words and elaborate hand gestures, as appose to physical contact as it used to be expressed with. People in modern times prefer to use to words and sentences to express anger as language is greatly developed and it is a much easier way to show feelings, rather than using physical gestures and only getting a vague idea. People express anger by using harsh, and almost rude words sometimes, so that people around them may build up a similar emotion, or understand that they have caused a negative emotion in someone, and may look to revert it. 
    Fear: Even in modern day times its hard to say exactly how people express fear, but now more than ever in the past communication is a large part of expression of fear, as it helps to understand the problem and sort it out, which makes the emotion less, hence the expression of the emotion less. Fear is now days normally caused by something that is new and unfamiliar to someone, or something that has many risks attached to it, and just like the past, avoiding the root of this emotion is the most common thing to do. Now days fear is an emotion that is felt much less compared to people in the past, due to education and experience, resulting in more subdued expressions of it.
    Sadness: The expression of the emotion of sadness, has probably changed the least over the years, as the events or occurrences that cause this emotion are very similar in the past as they are today, and so naturally, the expression of it is very similar, although again it is very much more reliant on verbal communication, rather than actions, and tears. Sadness, unlike fear, is probably a feeling that is more common in modern day humans, than people alive in the past, as many things have grown to sadden people, which didn't in the past, and so the emotional expressions are more common, yet still subdued. Even though many people will argue that now days people are less sad due to busy schedules, sadness is still expressed in slightly the same manor, but either way you think of it, sadness is expressed much less.
    Expressions of the negative emotions are much more reliant on verbal or any form of communication than they ever were before. This is positive in some ways, but can also be negative at times. 

Expressions Of: Anger, Fear And Sadness In The Past

    In the Past negative emotions would have been expressed in a much different way to how they are expressed now, and would have been triggered by different things. In the older times gestures and physical movements would have been the normal way to express their feelings, rather than now days when language and conversation is used. The emotions were expressed in these ways to let other people know that they have triggered negative emotions in someone, but also to try and share the pain and frustration these emotions bring on with other people.
    Anger: In the past anger would have been expressed in much more physical means than it is today, and normally would have been provoked easier, with less understanding of how humans behave, and less communication skills to aid the prevention of it. Violence would be used to show that someone has done something wrong and brought on anger into someone, it also makes sure that the person is trying to channel their feelings into others, and make them feel equally as negative. In past times, words were rarely used, and as a result, the expression of anger was usually vague, hence hard to revert.
    Fear: It is very hard to pinpoint exactly how people express their emotion of fear, as it may be caused by a countless amount of things, that usually the person is uncomfortable with, a new experience, or something with very risky outcomes as examples. Expressing fear is usually done by rejection and denial to do or confront the thing that is provoking the fear inside someone. Now and in the past, the expression of fear is trying to do the opposite of what brings on the emotion, so that the emotion is erased altogether. The expression of this emotion is also a way to counter the emotion itself, and make it disappear.
   Sadness:  Sadness in the past would have also been expressed with denial and segregation from the people or thing that caused this emotion. It is usually caused by something you do not want to do, or may be caused by something that went wrong, whether it is in love and friendship or in school or work. In the past expressing sadness would have been very drastic in proportion to the size of the event that provoked the emotion. Tears are a physical aspect that is usually associated with sadness, and is an easy way to determine how someone is feeling. Sadness was in the past expressed like this, as it was a way to let feelings out, and show people how they felt, so that they would get sympathy, but also so that people may offer them a solution to what was causing this emotion.
    Negative emotions in the older times, were usually expressed with negative actions, due to negative occurrences which provoked these emotions. 

Friday 14 September 2012

Emotional Development Of The Irish Culture

     The Irish Culture is widely known around the world as a very friendly, sociable culture. From the very start of their culture when Ireland was inhabited by the Celts, expressions of emotions were very important, almost more important than they are today. Emotional Expressions would have been a very big part of how people communicated how they felt and what they wanted, as well as what they liked and disliked. In those times actions would speak a lot louder than words, and so how you expressed what you were feeling was majorly important, and very significant to how these expressions would have been comprehended by the people who were receiving them. Specific actions were used for specific emotions, and would always be closely related to this emotion whenever they were seen.
     The Earliest Irish settlers would greatly reply on their body language to aid them to express their emotions, as speech would have not been descriptive enough for what they are willing to express. |Body language such as a raised fist to show anger, or sometimes even a hug or embrace to show love and happiness would have been very commonly used, rather than speaking and expression words that way.
     As time has gone on from early Celtic settlers to modern day habitats emotional expressions of the Irish has greatly changed and is now more reliant of speech and the power that words will have to express how you fell rather than the excessive amount of body language that would have been used then. This is due to the evolution of language but also other factors such as learning respect and how to behave, which influences emotional expression greatly.
   The language used by the Irish to express these emotions is also very unique to many of the other cultures, as they develop sayings and words that can easily express what they are feeling. "Slan" is an Irish word meaning good health, which can be used to express happiness and kindness. They have many of these sayings, some of which can be viewed here,

Monday 3 September 2012


Hi, I'm Anya Mangat and I'm in transition year in Dublin, and I willl be blogging to you about the geography of emotional expressions and developments in different cultures. I know this must seem like a bit of a random and almost dull topic to be blogging about and exploring, but looking at the different ways in which different cultures and people express certain emotions, be it in language or gestures, and why they do what they do to express these emotions requires deep research, and I am almost positive I will come up with some very interesting and unique answers. I will be looking also at how exactly emotional expressions have changed over time, from the first settlers in most places, to the modern day era.  Ever wondered why Italians express happiness and love in such an affectionate, 'hands-on' way? or why the Irish will come up with weird sayings, that don't seem intentionally to insult you, but really they do? I always did, and that's why its about time to research and blog about them. I am basically going to be blogging the reasons how humans act in certain events that trigger emotions, why they react like this, and how this reaction has evolved over the years, in a easy to contemplate way. Hope you enjoy it!